Thanks 2018!

I posted this yesterday on Instagram as my 1000th post - eh OMF’N G!

And 1000th or not, in the last hours of 2018, it seems only fitting to say a huge THANK YOU.

Thank you to everyone who supported Fitness Belfast this past year, trusted me on their fitness journey with personal training, invested in Kickstart Bootcamp, practiced yoga with me, liked a post, or even just stopped me in The Stokers Halt. this afternoon to say “you still doing takin them BroFlo classes mate?” (I am.)

Thank you to my corporate clients like FinTrUFlexeraAware NI, and more for giving me the opportunity to work with you & freedom to create thriving communities in your workplace.

Thank you to Flow Studio for entrusting Teresa & I to create an entire yoga anatomy textbook & module from scratch - it’s been a challenging, glorious roller coster & I’m confident we are close to creating something really special.

Thank you to BBC Radio Ulster for having me on at various points in the year talking everything from fitness and yoga, to Noel on I’m A Celebrity...

Thank you to Health and Fitness Awards NI for recognising the great work in our industry here, including a shortlist for me as a Personal Trainer, & a Highly Commended for BroFlo Yoga for Guys - my newest class, and one so close to my heart.

A very special thank you to Channel 4 & RDF television for choosing ME this past year for a truly unique project that has been amongst the most rewarding work of my career (more on this very soon!)

Thanks to all of you wonderful people, my business has grown & I am thrilled to bring an amazing, talented, fellow ginger member of staff on board for 2019, MY WIFE Darcie. In reality she’s played a huge role for many years now and we’re thrilled that Fitness Belfast really has now gained the biceps to become our family business.

Together in 2019 we hope to use our passions for fitness, yoga, design, vegetables, chips, beaches, pro-wrestling & peanut butter to create educational & entertaining social media content, brand new online programming & maaaaaaaaaybe even OPEN OUR VERY OWN FITNESS BELFAST STUDIO (if I type it on here it will defo happen...)

2019 is gonna be groovy!

Gary Milligan