FinTrUFlo Corporate Wellness & pool tables!

You haven’t practiced yoga til you’ve practiced in a games room with a pool table right? 🤔

Massive thanks to all the awesome first time yogis FinTrU Belfast who take time out of a super busy working day to join me on the mat for some lunchtime flows each week.

High 5 to FinTrU for investing in me for their Corporate Wellness 2018 program I hope our regular yoga practice together brings a sense of calm to an otherwise frantic working day & heres hoping our community grows & our lunchtime practice leads to kick ass productivity at work & maybe even leads to an increased ability to withstand the pressures of the staff pool league eh 😑🤔🎱

If you'd like to find out more about my corporate wellness experience and initiatives for companies and charities, check out Wellness at Work or get in touch!