Heading back to the gym? Remember these 3 simple tips :)
It’s gym
reopening Friday!
Be kind to yourself
It’s been a long time, that trap bar and lat pulldown which were once your best friend now might seem a little distant and off with you Start light, focus on correct form and enjoy the wonderful process of starting from scratch again.
Be kind to others
Everyone has a different COVID story to tell and as a result many people (myself included), are a little nervous of being indoors amongst others outside our family/home bubble. So be kind, keep your distance, wait your turn, smile, and we can all safely use regular exercise to thrive with our physical & mental health.
Be kind to gym staff
Gyms have been hit hard by COVID, staff have lost jobs, people have been furloughed & behind the scenes tireless work has been done to create a safe environment for us all. So rather than popping ur headphones in and hood up, take a few minutes to say thank you to the people who have made this all possible. It just might make their day.
Oh & check out Kathy about to rock a TRX squat in this pic. I’m thrilled to be welcoming a small number of clients like Kathy back into the studio tomorrow for one-to-one Personal Training, TRX & yoga – I cannot wait!
Have a great gym re-opening Friday :)
Happier outdoors or online? We’ve got you covered…
8 week Kickass Bootcamp
Our signature circuit class combines outdoor & online Kickass Cardio, Kickass Strength and Kickass Yoga moves – expect to work hard, yet leave feeling calm, confident and STRONG!
This is beginner styled yoga for working from home for anyone feeling the stress, strain, aches, pains and general meltiness of another extended stint at home.