Posts tagged TRX
TRX for Football Professional Education Kicks Off at the Fitness Belfast Studio

This Saturday, we are thrilled to be hosting TRX® Training Master Trainer & Educator Darren Dillon at the Fitness Belfast Studio to deliver an in person one day educational workshop: TRX for Football.

We’re a TRX studio, with our use of the trusty yellow and black strap system evolving from a standalone class when we opened in Jan 2020 (BC), to now becoming an integral part of our one-to-one Personal Training and our Small Group Personal Training: Kickass Bootcamp PLUS+. And as a sponsor of Northern Ireland Women's Football Association (NIWFA) Belfast Ravens, this workshop is a perfect fit for Fitness Belfast :)

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TRX Online Training for Team Fitness Belfast!

On Saturday, we should have been welcoming Paul Edmondson & TRX UK to the Fitness Belfast Studio to wow us with their TRX For Sports Medicine course.

But of course, the world has changed a bit since that was planned, and so instead, the amazing team at TRX UK treated myself, Neil & Caitriona and almost 200 others to their latest TRX Suspension Trainer certification, entirely online & completely FREE. How friggin awesome of them was that?!

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Gary MilliganTRX